Tēnā koutou. What a year 2024 has been! Not only have there been changes in Epilepsy Waikato Charitable Trust staff and trust board members, but also in leadership in Aotearoa more generally. This year our own country has seen its fair share of unrest and discontent. The elected National-led coalition government brought in some controversial new policies, but despite that there were still some big
Read More »EWCT radio interview!

Last week Esther (our current epilepsy advisor) and Maria Lowe had a fantastic time with Craig from Raglan Community Radio. They had a wide ranging chat about everything from what is epilepsy itself to the petition we’ve put before parliament on providing access to the VNS implant for those with intractable epilepsy in New Zealand. Craigs show can be found here. If you wish, visit
Read More »Epilepsy and men

Population studies have revealed that slightly more men than women have epilepsy. This may be because of a higher rate of cerebrovascular disease (such as strokes), head trauma incidents, or alcohol and drug related issues, for example. Men with epilepsy also have a higher rate of anxiety and depression than men who do not have the condition. However, there is hope in men finding the
Read More »EWCT submission for the Charities Act
A Government review of the Charities Act 2005 began in 2019. EWCT made an initial submission in 2019. The second submission by EWCT, in December 2022 as shown here, was in response to a first reading of the proposed new Act and associated key recommendations. EWCT and many other groups are highly critical of the proposed new Act and many of the key recommendations, and
Read More »EWCT submission for the Accessibility Bill
The Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill is aimed at addressing the accessibility barriers faced by disabled people, tāngata whaikaha, and others, so they can live independently and participate fully in all areas of life. EWCT put forward a written and oral submission asking that the Bill redresses the many inequalities facing people living with epilepsy so that there is an improved quality of life for
Read More »2023 – Annual General Meeting (AGM)

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Epilepsy Waikato Charitable Trust (EWCT) will be held at the Meeting Room, Trust Waikato building, 4 Little London Lane, Hamilton, on Tuesday, 12 September 2023, commencing at 6.30 pm. AGENDA Welcome by chairperson Apologies Confirmation of minutes of the previous AGM held on 13 September 2022* Matters arising Patron,
Read More »Petition: Fully fund the vagal nerve stimulator for adults with intractable epilepsy
Please support the Epilepsy Waikato Charitable Trust’s (EWCT) latest petition to parliament. We need your vote/signature urgently please (before 18 June 2023). Sign the Petition Please share the petition to colleagues and friends who may also like to support it with their votes. Petition request: That the House of Representatives urge Whatu Ora Health New Zealand to fund vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) therapy for
Read More »Travelling overseas by air travel when you have epilepsy

Having epilepsy does not necessarily mean that you cannot enjoy the adventures of air travel. With planning and thought it is possible to meet your epilepsy needs and enjoy what travel has to offer. If you can travel with a friend who understands your epilepsy it makes that adventure even better. Here are some tips to help you along the way. Wear personal identification to
Read More »Epilepsy and behaviour in children

Some children find living with epilepsy challenging and may show their unhappiness in a number of ways such as becoming irritable or angry, or by becoming disruptive. All behaviour is a form of communication and as adults our first step in understanding any challenging behaviour is to fully understand what epilepsy is and how children can be impacted by seizures and medications. Also, some children
Read More »Epilepsy and Wellness

Epilepsy is a complex neurological condition that can affect the quality of life for each individual living with it. However, with education and support it may be possible to improve the way in which those with the condition are able to live well. Once an epilepsy diagnosis has been made, and a treatment plan has been developed, then the next phase is about living well
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