Epilepsy Articles – October 2018

EWCT brings you the latest news on epilepsy-related articles

  1. Epilepsy that starts in adulthood often originates in the ‘temporal lobe’, a region of the brain that plays a particularly important role in laying down, storing and retrieving memories. Accordingly, memory problems are frequently seen among people with epilepsy.


  2. Many people with epilepsy have headaches but you can have a headache which isn’t seizure-related. Please take a look at this interesting article on “The quick guide to headaches” by Pharmac.


  3. Many people with epilepsy have fulfilling relationships with a partner. However, epilepsy may affect relationships for some people, and problems with sex are common for both men and women with epilepsy. There are various ways to manage these problems and find support.


    Understanding seizure cycles, and being able to forecast when they will occur, has profound implications for better treatment of epilepsy.


    Record your own epilepsy cycles using the app below.