Maria’s compulsory car-free weeks

I did the unthinkable, the unimaginable, and certainly the unpredictable: I fell into a shallow hole whilst out walking, and broke my right ankle and left elbow on impact. Ouch!! So, I did what others do whilst facing a ban on driving, I got to and organised my days with the help of others. I discovered that: 1. Family and friends are worthy of special

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Red Cross – First Aid App

Red Cross New Zealand have released a new first aid and emergency app. The app is designed to provide easy straight forward advice and step-by-step instructions on what to do in an emergency. It also includes a small section on epilepsy and seizures. It’s available on both IOS and Android phones and can be found by searching ‘Red Cross First Aid/Emergency‘ in the Google market or by clicking the link below.

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2014 – Annual General Meeting (AGM)

NOTICE OF  2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of Epilepsy Waikato Charitable Trust will be held at the St Peter’s Cathedral Hall, 51 Victoria Street, Hamilton on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 commencing at 6.30pm. AGENDA Apologies Chairperson’s Welcome Patron, Tim Macindoe’ s Address Minutes of the previous AGM held on 8 October 2013* Move that the minutes be accepted as a true

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Bella’s Journey

Ysabella (Bella) was born in 2005. At three weeks of age she started screaming non-stop and was refusing to feed and we were told by the doctors that she had ‘reflux’ and ‘colic’. Bella was given a PH probe at about 14 months of age, and then a gastric scope (which is when a camera is put into the tummy and samples are taken) when

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St John protocols

This information has been approved by Midland St John Ambulance, Hamilton St John protocols for transporting someone who has had a seizure to the hospital Quite often, when someone has had a seizure, a member of the public calls emergency services. However, the person having the seizure usually recovers within a few minutes, and an ambulance trip (for which there may be a fee) to

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