EWCT brings you the latest news on epilepsy-related articles from around the web.
- This is a short little video on what happens when a person has an epileptic seizure.
https://www.webmd.com/epilepsy/treat-epilepsy-seizures-16/video-seizure-animation - You may also wish to see this visual guide to epilepsy.
https://www.webmd.com/epilepsy/treat-epilepsy-seizures-16/slideshow-epilepsy-overview - Having a driver’s licence removed because of a seizure is a real problem for many people, but there are rights and responsibilities around driving. Please go to the NZTA website for information.
- For women, seizures can be linked to more than just abnormal signals within the brain. According to the Epilepsy Foundation in America, about half of women with epilepsy who are considered of childbearing age suffer from seizures during menstruation. Known as catamenial seizures, these are directly related to hormone fluctuations and can be difficult to control. The good news is that these types of seizures are also predictable. Learning about catamenial seizures is the first step to treatment.