Fact sheet #31 Seizure alarms and monitors

There are many alarms and monitors available in New Zealand. These devices are designed to detect seizures and alert someone when you are having one.

It is possible to choose which seizure alarm or monitor suits your purpose by looking at the various options below.

You would need to do some homework and read the information and reviews available to be able to make an informed choice whilst understanding that there is no proven evidence to indicate that using a monitor or alert device can guarantee the safety of a person experiencing seizures. No alert device or monitor has been designed to prevent seizures or the possible impact of them.

Some alarms have a one-off cost whilst others have a monitoring cost.

Some alarms are from accredited medical alarm suppliers, such as St John, which means that the cost of their alarms is normally covered by Work and Income. You may be eligible to apply for Work and Income funding under the Disability Allowance even though you may not currently receive it.

To receive funding specifically for a medical alarm your GP or other health practitioner also needs to complete a Medical Alarm form here.

ACC may also cover the cost of a seizure detector or monitor if you are recovering from an accident. See your case manager to discuss this possibility.

Other funding sources are:
a) Community Matters
b) Free Masons
c) Mazda Foundation
d) Variety
e) NZ Government

Here is a list of seizure alert alarms and monitors and where you can buy them online or in New Zealand


Embrace (for tonic clonic seizures)
It detects possible convulsive seizures and instantly alerts caregivers, whether they’re sleeping next door or are living miles away. Created to offer round-the-clock safety and comfort to help people with epilepsy get help when they need it most.


The Apple Watch series 6
The Apple watch series 6 not only measures blood oxygen levels but the app Epi Watch, which is available to go with the watch, can track seizure data before, during, and after the event. By learning more about a person’s seizures it is believed that it could help to detect an episode before it occurs, making it easier for a person living with epilepsy to get somewhere safe and to get help.


Galaxy 3 4G
This watch automatically detects hard falls and sends out an SOS to your emergency contact with your location.



The My Medic Watch Fall Alert
“The My Medic Watch Fall Alert app” needs to be downloaded on a smartphone first and then paired with a compatible smartwatch such as an Apple, Samsung or Android. You must set up an account and profile to use the app. My Medic Watch apps allow people who are vulnerable to falls, have epilepsy, or people with a chronic illness to get immediate care and assistance when they fall or have a seizure so they can keep their autonomy.


Sleep Monitors

For tonic clonic, hyper motor and myoclonic seizures; also changes in heart rate.
Warns caregivers remotely in the event of epileptic seizures during sleep. The NightWatch consists of a comfortable wireless armband that closely monitors heart rate and motion while the wearer is lying in bed. When the NightWatch detects a potentially severe seizure, a warning is transmitted to a caregiver via a wireless signal to the armband’s corresponding base station.


The Pulse Companion
Monitors heart rate changes that could indicate a seizure
The Pulse Companion uses a discreet wearable armband sensor to alert caregivers of a potential seizures. When the Pulse Companion identifies heart rate change that could indicate a seizure, an urgent alarm sounds on the caregiver’s pager, giving them peace of mind and reassurance during the night.

(03 242 0267) or (021 431 8067)

SAMi Alert camera
This alarm only works with on iOS devices, such as iPhones
During sleep, audio-video information from a remote infrared video camera is sent to an app that runs on an iOS device such as an iPhone or iPod Touch. The SAMi app records and analyzes the video for unusual activity. When an unusual event is detected, it sounds an alarm and records live audio and video from the SAMi network camera. Within seconds, the individual or caregiver can take any necessary action. You can adjust the sensitivity of this alarm by downloading the SAMI alert App.


Under-mattress sensors

Companion Mini Pro and Companion Mini
Designed to detect tonic clonic seizures
The monitor is placed under the mattress where it constantly monitors your movements. The Companion Mini is designed to be placed and secured in the centre of the bed between the base and the mattress. When in place the Companion Mini monitors activity until movements associated with seizures are recognised. Verified and ongoing seizures then result in the transmission of alerts to a hand-held pager.

(03 242 0267) or (021 431 8067)

Emfit’s tonic-clonic seizure monitor is used for detecting and notifying a caregiver if the person with epilepsy experiences a tonic-clonic seizure.

It also monitors an individual’s presence in bed and will give notification if the person leaves the bed or does not return to the bed within a certain amount of time.

Suitable for both adults and children.

(0508 20 20 10)

EEG headset

This uses brainwaves from the EEG headset to automatically detect, signal and log absence seizures in real time. Seizure duration is shown too and additional notes can be logged. Available for Android only.


Personal alarms

Tracecare GPS medical alarm
The wristband is waterproof and designed to be worn at all times. It senses motion and detects falls as it has an accelerometer. The wristband communicates wirelessly with the clip. By pressing the button, you can send an alert to your friends and family by text or email. They will receive your GPS location as well if you are out and about.

(0800 559 720)

GPSOS independence alarm
Monitored alarm with 24/7 specialist support
GPSOS has a panic button and fall detector. Also has a GPS tracker. Works wherever there is cell phone coverage or wifi.

(0800 115 906)

St John alarm
This alarm is connected directly to the St John ambulance service
This is a waterproof pendant, wristband or mobile alarm which is activated when you push the ‘help’ button.


Other safety aids

Breathe-zy Anti-Suffocation Pillow
This pillow is a Class 1 Medical Device which is designed to be breathable, practical and comfortable whilst assisting in the prevention of SUDEP.


Disclaimer: this fact sheet is for education purposes only. Please consult your doctor or other health professional for advice regarding your epilepsy.
Last modified: March 3rd, 2025 by EWCT | Posted in: Fact Sheets