Go car-free for epilepsy

Date(s) - Saturday, November 1, 2014 - Saturday, November 8, 2014

Our “Go car-free for epilepsy” event is about raising awareness of epilepsy. Choose one day during our awareness week to go car-free. Send us a photo on how you enjoyed your day and spread the word to family and friends. See below for more information on this event and how you can take part.


Why are we going car-free for epilepsy?

Many people with epilepsy are unable to drive a car. This means that they can’t drive their children to school, go to the supermarket, take their children to sports on Saturday mornings or do the things that we take for granted. If someone who drives a car suddenly develops epilepsy and loses their driver’s licence, it sometimes means that they lose their job as well.

It can be hard work organising day-to day activities when you cannot drive. People with epilepsy have to use taxis, buses, carpool, use their bikes or they walk everywhere. This takes time to organize and often people miss out on opportunities because they cannot just hop in the family car and go somewhere.

Share your Go car-free day with us

Please LIKE our Facebook page and send us photos of how you enjoyed your car-free day. We will make a montage of photos for both our Facebook page and website.

Here are some of your go car-free photos that we have received so far.

Thank you to our supporters

drivingmissdaisyDriving Miss Daisy
Private transportation
nordic-walkingWinksmith Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking around Hamilton -Nordic Walking will donate $5 to EWCT for every person who joins and mentions the Epilepsy Waikato Charitable Trust.
Your digital solutions


Go car-free resources

Why Go car-free and worksheet

Go car-free poster
